Day 29: 20+ ways to boost your mood
Day 7 of my 35 Day Challenge
Today i am going to share with you a few techniques that help me to boost my happiness and brighten my days. Some of them are good to start your day with a positive feeling and some can help you to feel better when you’re down.
- listen to uplifting music
- smile or put a pen between your teeth without your lips touching it – the pen trick can help you when you don’t feel like smiling, it mimics a smile and sends information to you brain that makes you feel better
- hug someone you like – hugging someone releases oxytocin, which is known as the “cuddle hormone” and makes you feel all warm inside. It supports social bonding and can alleviate fears. It can even lower your blood pressure and relieve stress
- take some time for yourself and do something that makes you happy
- spend some time in nature – walking in a park or forest near by can reduce stress, boost your creativity and clear your head.
- do a good deed for someone else – helping someone can make you instantly better. Doing something for other people, especially if they don’t expect it, is a beautiful way to boost your mood. Random acts of kindness could be buying someone in the queue behind you a coffee, helping your neighbors with their grocery bags, buying a ticket at the cinema for the next person who shows up alone, bringing a homeless person some food etc. The more good deeds you do in a day, the better you will feel 🙂
- dress well – get your best close out and dress to impress! If you look good, you feel good. And you might get some uplifting compliments as well.
- tell someone an honest compliment – you will make them smile and you might even get a compliment back. It’s also a great way to start a conversation with someone new.
- wear you favorite perfume
- smile at strangers and spread some happiness
- watch a funny movie
- meet with good friends and play “cards against humanity” – it’s all about getting creative and finding the funniest combinations. It’s a guaranteed laugh.
- count 5 things that you are grateful today – writing down each day what you are grateful for can change your perspective and help you focus on the good things in life. If you do it for 30 days straight it will train your brain to think more positive and look for the sunny side of life.
- have a good nights sleep
- spend your money on activities and make some happy new memories – travel or simply visit a place you’ve never been before, do something you always wanted to do, try out a new sport, read a great book or try learning a new skill
- exercise – it doesn’t matter if you do yoga, play with children, play football or what ever you like to do, as long as you get moving. It releases dopamine in your brain, which plays an important role in being happy . It also reduces stress, makes you feel more confident, helps you to sleep better and eases anxiety.
- practice self-love – read more about that in my post about self-love
- accept you emotions – give yourself permission to feel your feelings, you might spend more energy suppressing bad feelings than actually feeling them
- live in the present – if you stay with your thoughts in the present moment and focus on what your doing right then and there, you stop obsessing about the past and the future and enjoy the present more
- rediscover or discover a new passion
- ask your friends and family what your strength are – it can help you to see yourself in a new light
- let go of friends that are bad for you and who are dragging you down
- decide what you want to happen to you during the day
- instead of worrying try to imagine how things could go if everything went perfect –What would be the best possible scenario ?
- commend and compliment yourself – don’t wait for others to do that
- end your day with a positive outlook on things – reflect about all the goods things that happened that day
- enjoy the simple things in life – like a good coffee in the morning , a nice warm shower, or a good meal
The more often you use these tricks, the happier you’ll get.
Thanks for reading!
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